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Public Relations Plan: McMinnville Junior Baseball Organization

May 20, 2019 | Public Relations | By: Taylor Cole

About the Client

The McMinnville Junior Baseball Organization (JBO) is a youth baseball club based in McMinnville, Oregon. The teams range in age from third grade to eighth grade. There are currently 131 children in the program. Within each age group, there are several teams that are organized by skill. For example, the Federal team in each age group has the top skilled players, the American team in each age group has average skilled players and the National team in each age group has the least skilled players. According to Jason Bizon, the President of McMinnville JBO, the overarching goals of the organization are to promote and encourage a healthy and happy environment for children, teach them the game of baseball, inspire competitive spirits and to prepare these children for high school baseball. The organization is run entirely by volunteers and parents. It has an elected board of directors (17 members) that oversee and administer the organization.

Goal of Public Relations Campaign

The goal of this public relations campaign is to raise money for McMinnville Junior Baseball Organization’s new baseball facility. The team is in need of a new facility because they currently struggle to find field space during the season due to other youth sports that also want to use the field space. The organization will use its biggest opportunity: The Home Run Derby, to raise funds for this major change.