Joyful Media & Services

I am at a Peet’s Coffee Shop and…

Lincoln City Oregon at Sunset on the beach

I am at a Peet’s Coffee Shop and I am getting ready for an informational interview that I secretly hope will lead to some kind of job offer or work opportunity. All of this pressure leading up to an ideal outcome that I’ve played out in my head a million times.

But isn’t that the issue?

Seeking Validation From Others

Lincoln City Beach Flowers at Sunset

I listened to this podcast the other day and there was this moment where the conversation between the host and the interviewee led to a line of “seeking validation from other people”. At that very moment, I felt it in my bones. This is it. This is my problem.

My favorite walk I have ever taken…

Half Dome and the valley at Yosemite National Park during summer

Photo by tcolephotography My favorite walk I have ever taken… February 24, 2023 | My Thoughts | By: Taylor Cole Walking is one of the more simple things in life that we often take for granted. We get so distracted by the stressors and obligations of life that we forget to remember the simple miracles […]