Joyful Media & Services

Half Dome and the valley at Yosemite National Park during summer
Photo by tcolephotography

My favorite walk I have ever taken...

February 24, 2023 | My Thoughts | By: Taylor Cole

Walking is one of the more simple things in life that we often take for granted. We get so distracted by the stressors and obligations of life that we forget to remember the simple miracles all around us and one of those is our ability to step, and then take another step in a repeated motion, over and over again until our brain forgets what we are doing in the first place. Our first steps as infants are one of the most celebrated milestones of our growth, but once it’s been accomplished, it loses its magic. The joy and excitement quickly fades in the rearview- like a checkbox has been checked in our never ending to-do list of life. “On to the next!” we say. To value our ability to walk is to value the simplicities of life at its core.

Let’s further simplify the question: “what is your favorite walk you have ever taken?” It would be really easy for me to recall a memory from my National Park travels through the Teton mountains or Yosemite canyons and tell you about the incredible wildlife, natural miracles, and the neck pain from lifting my head high enough to take it all in. This, of course, is an incredible walk indeed, and highly recommended no doubt, but I want to take this question in a different, deeper, yet more simple direction. The most important walk is not a physical, get-your-heart-pumping, sweat-it-out kind of walk. It’s the daily walk with God, who guides us toward the person we are called to be. Woah… I know, that was pretty deep, but hear me out. 

Although not entirely aware of it, my walk with God began when my life began as a baby, fresh out of the womb, I know-TMI- but it’s true! The first time I felt God’s presence was at summer church camp in middle school, and I’ve held on to that feeling ever since. Our walk with God is not always obvious or apparent. Often, God asks us to seek him first and the keys to the kingdom will be revealed to us. Yet, we don’t always seek him because we don’t think he’s listening or he sees us in our struggles. What we refuse to believe, too often, is that God is always there. He’s been guiding our every step and allowing us to stumble, when our stubborn self attempts to pave our own path when we think we know best. Sometimes, God knows that the best way for us to learn is, unfortunately, the hard way. He allows us to take a wrong turn to lead us right back to him. He does it ever so graciously, full of love, forgiveness, and understanding- in his perfect timing too!

But isn’t that what it means to be truly human? To make mistakes and learn from them. And isn’t that what it means to truly walk with God? To know you are unconditionally loved despite all of it? How sweet is that truth right there! If your most favorite walk is not your own, then you are missing out on the reality of what it means to really walk with God.  We must not take for granted our ability to walk because it’s proof that we can get through really hard things with God as our lighthouse who provides a beacon of hope for all that is to come in our next steps. Step, after step, after step, we are not guaranteed perfection; but we are guaranteed a perfect love and hope in all that is to come.